Thursday 12 April 2012 love, my life

Life surely changes for a girl when she gets married and that’s when she realizes and enriches a lot of her relationships which at different points of her life she took for granted; one of those being her relationship with her mother.

My mom is one woman I idolize forever. I would not categorize her as someone who is highly qualified, super business woman, or anything of those sorts but she surely is a “Super Woman”. She has been my pillar through my life journey so far and I know indeed that she would be there in all good times and bad times in the future as well.

I have seen her struggle all her life, but she truly is a rock solid woman. She is street smart and can handle her life so well that she indeed is an inspiration (don’t know if I can even be close to what she is). She is my first best friend I made in my life and she has taken different roles as and when I wanted her to be. She was this best friend who I share my deep secrets with; she has been my sister who I fought, cried and made up; she has been this brother – so protective; she has been my father who stood as a pillar through all the decisions I made in life; and a wonderful companion through this journey of life.

Words falling short; possible that I have not mentioned a lot of other beautiful details. (Maybe would share it in my upcoming blogs)

Last but not the least, all that I want to say is I am not sure if I was ever her best daughter she wanted but she surely is the best mom and I truly love her. I may not say this to her right on her face but I am sure she already knows that. I completely dedicate this blog to her.